From Idea to Reality: The Step-by-Step Guide to Launching Your Mobile Game

Posted Jun 21, 2023
In Insights

By Tali Tzukerman,
Madness Ventures Mentor

Wanting some guidence and direction to launch your dream game? You've come to the right place! Here’s my step-by-step guide to help your mobile gaming blueprint come to life: 

Concept is key:
How will your mechanics work? How would you define the genre? Have you thought about the art style? Have you conducted market research to see who your target market is? These are all questions you need to have clear, definitive answers to in order to move on to the design process for your mobile game. 

Be honest with yourself:
Ask yourself the toughest questions you can about your proposition and try to look to answer every question. Remember it’s ok to shake the tree, if it falls down then the foundation was not strong enough in the first place to plant a new tree. 

Prepare a robust game design document (GDD):
Your GDD will help your vision flourish, helping you express your ideas to your team and build the mobile startup you dream of. The GDD will help determine your game’s core features, gameplay mechanics, storyline and monetization strategy. 

On to the prototype:
This stage will help you test mechanics and clear up any flaws in gameplay early on before it becomes too late. 

See your vision come to life:
Work alongside a team of developers to see your hard work flourish. The process of building your game will include (but certainly not be limited to), coding, designing game assets, user acquisition and integrating game mechanics. 

Put your game to the test:
The testing stage is vital for feedback and to identify and fix problems ready for launch. Player feedback, bug and usability testing are vital to ensure your mobile game is functional and an enjoyable playing experience. 

It’s go time:
Prepare your launch campaign and identify what you need, from marketing materials, performance marketing and social media promotions. Create an app store listing and launch your game on the app store(s) of your choice.

Iterate, iterate, iterate and update:
Reacting to player feedback and market trends is essential to keep your game up to date. Keep on top of bug fixes, new features and regular updates to keep players wanting more. Getting players into a game is only step one, keeping players in your game is all about listening and learning. 

Remember, launching a mobile game startup doesn’t happen overnight. The process takes time, effort and perseverance. Be prepared to adapt to marketing changes,  strategy course correction and work towards shaping a game that players will love for a long time. 

After more tips and tricks to launch your mobile game? Check out my talk below from the White Nights Istanbul conference - "Game On: Pitching Your Way To Gaming Success" 

(PSST while you’re here - if you're serious about turning your innovative gaming idea into a reality, join Product Madness' incubator programme, Madness Ventures. With expert mentorship, funding, and resources, you'll receive the support you need to take your gaming concept to the next level. Don't miss out on this opportunity to bring your gaming vision to life - Hope to see your application at Madness Ventures soon!)

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