My Takeaways from MIGS 2023: The B2B Edition

Posted Dec 7, 2023
In Insights




By Tali Tzukerman,
Madness Ventures Mentor

I had the pleasure of attending the Montreal International Gaming Summit (MIGS) 2023, presented by XP Gaming, earlier this November. This was the first MIGS with a focus on business to business (B2B) opportunities, showcasing the Quebec video game industry and its members. I’ve attended many industry events in the past on behalf of Madness Ventures, Product Madness’ new game incubator programme, and wanted to share my reflections about some of the things that really stood out to me in my MIGS experience.

Clear Focus on B2B

One of the things that impressed me the most about MIGS 2023 was the clear focus on B2B networking and learning. Unlike previous editions, this year’s MIGS did not feature consumer-oriented activities and instead, was designed to help game developers, publishers, investors, and service providers connect and collaborate.

Great content was discussed in talks and panels, by industry experts sharing insights in a range of topics and offering practical and actionable advice for game developers and entrepreneurs. Off stage, participants followed up in person, visited exhibitors’ booths (just like the Product Madness one!), and explored new connections and potential opportunities facilitated by the meeting platform meet2match. 

Cozy Setup, Global Crowd 

Another aspect that I enjoyed about MIGS 2023 was the cozy setup, in the beautiful venue of Marché Bonsecours in old Montreal. This historic building, dating back to 1847, was a perfect choice by the organizers, offering a spacious B2B exhibit space, as well as a comfortable and lounge area for networking for participants from all over the world. 

The location and layout of the conference proved to be incredibly well aligned with the conference’s focus on B2B. While it was a smaller event overall, the crowd remained globally diverse, and attendees benefitted from a casual intimate environment, allowing for meaningful and productive interactions.

Entrepreneurship is Alive and Well

Finally, the biggest takeaway for me from MIGS 2023 was that gaming entrepreneurship is alive and well! Which is very good indeed in the current challenging economy. I was amazed by the diversity and quality of the games I saw at the event, as well as the passion and creativity of the people behind them. I met many talented and ambitious game developers, who had exciting visions for their games, and who were eager to learn and grow. It had been such an inspiring couple of days!

At Madness Ventures, we help game developers turn their ideas into reality, by providing them with funding and mentoring, uniquely at the challenging early concept and prototyping stages. We have met with hundreds of entrepreneurs and game teams over the last year and see the ecosystem buzzing with talent. It is a privilege to be able to support gaming studios by funding development at the most difficult stage of conception to initial launch, and we continue to see amazing opportunities around the world. 

We look forward to seeing more game teams at PGC in London in January, and have a full list of the events we attend on our website.

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